
1 on 1 Tutoring
For students with or without learning disabilities who need intensive academic help in grades K-12, we offer one on one tutoring. This service is $75 per hour. This service is available in-person or virtually in New York City.
We provide tutoring for the following New York State Exams
- NYS English Language Arts (ELA) exam grades 3 - 8
-New York State ELA Regents
- New York State Math Exam grades 3 - 8
Our current tutor for New York State exams is Charles Mathison. He is quadruple New York State certified: social studies, special education, school building and district leadership. He is also TOEFL (teacher of English as a foreign language) certified. He has a 100% pass rate on the NYS ELA regents.
English Language Arts Skills
In our reading tutoring and enrichment program, students are skilled in the core competencies needed to attain grade level reading mastery. The skills include:
-Main idea
-Summarization of paragraphs
-Message of a story
-Interpreting graphics
-Cause and effect
-Choose among many details
-Point of view
-Problem and Solution
-Context Clues
-Fact and Opinion

Basic Math Skills
We provide tutoring in the fundamentals of math. Our sessions include proven techniques for gaining competency and mastery of basic math topics.
Some of the topics include:
-Academic vocabulary
-Multiplication and division
-Place value
-Adding and subtracting fractions
-Turning a decimal into a fraction
-Turning a fraction to a decimal
-Dividing a fraction by a fraction
-Greatest common factor
-Least common multiple
-Put a fraction in simplest form
-Improper to mixed number, dividing a fraction
-Distance between vertices
-Writing a ratio from word problems in the correct order
-Area of combined shapes
-One and two step equations
-Evaluating expressions
-Find the unit rate in word problems
-Area of a triangle
-Approximation reading a number line
-Using the distributive property to solve algebraic expressions
-Surface area of combined shapes
-Comparing equivalent expressions
-All Algeba I topics