
Reading Skills Resources
This page lists resources you can use with your child to build a foundation in reading.
Sound and Letter Recognition Test
This document tests your student's ability to differentiate between a sound and a word using single letters as the differentiator. Use this test as a baseline to determine if your student understands the concept words being a group of letters that make a sound.
For example if the document states
point to the letter B and say "Is this a word or a letter?" Wait for the student to respond.
Then point to "bee" and say "Is this a word or a letter?" Wait for the student to respond.
By administering this test you should be able to determine your student's readiness to learn words. If the child gets any incorrect answers that might be a sign of a learning disability.
Download here
Letter Identification Test
This document tests your child’s ability to decode letters. The inability to decode letters or mix them up can be a sign of a learning disability, especially dyslexia.
If your child gets 3 or more letters incorrect on two consecutive tests,
it may be an indication of a learning disability.
Download here
Beginning Reading Skills Camp
This book covers the skills tested on
standardized reading exams. The skills
covered include finding the main idea,
finding relevant details, cause and effect,
making conclusions and sequence. This
booklet is written on a third grade level. It
is appropriate for anyone seeking to
improve basic reading comprehension
skills. Download here